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Student Ministry

About Us

We at Student Ministry aim to answer the call of Jesus to make disciples particularly within the student community through the learning and reading of Scriptures, Christian friendships and leadership training. We are dedicated to teach students the right rules and habits of reading the Bible that they may know God, discern all teachings with the Bible and teach others the Bible. With the hopes of grooming future leaders with the passion for God's Word and to be effective Bible teachers that they may be fully equipped to represent God accurately and truthfully. 

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Friday Meetings

Our main SM sessions are on Friday evenings. This is primarily a place for students to study the bible together. It is also an opportunity for students to receive training in working together in a Christian fellowship. We believe all of the skills and experiences gained here will be vital in future leadership settings. Non-Christians who join us can expect to find a friendly place to ask questions about Christianity and learn more about what Christians believe. 


Every Friday

8PM - 10PM

*Sessions Currently Online (Zoom) 

Discipleship Groups

Discipleship Groups (DGs) are smaller groups of students who come together to form deeper Christian friendships through walking in their faith together. We hope that these groups will allow the applications of bible studies to really come to life as students seek to understand and obey the bible in their own lives. 


Various Times Based on Groups

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Come join our community today


Dominic Kay +6019-400 2919

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